Busy colours in black and white Capturing image in black and white is much more challenging than in full colour as the variation in colours will only be captured with different levels of grayscale. The following colour combinations will be difficult to differentiate: white and yellow, white and light blue, green and red. As such, textures of the cloud and sky, flower and foliage, sun, sky and cloud at sunset, lips and skin tones will not show any distinct contrast in a black and white format. Yellow filter to enhance different tones of white To further highlight these contrasts, filters are available for this purpose. For the old SLR cameras which using 35 mm film, filter can be screwed in-front of the lens to achieve this. For current DSLR cameras, these filters are available in the monochrome adjustment. The filters pre-set are available in yellow, orange, red and green. Yellow filter is used to make the blue sky looks more natural and the white cloud looks crisper. Orange ...
This blog is a medium to share and to archive the memories of my travels around the world, interior decoration works, photographic images and cooking recipes. Other than sharing, it is hope that this blog would spark some colourful ideas to some of the people out there. You are welcome to comment, advice and share your experience here too. Have a nice day!